Leica Captivate Education series – Leica Captivate v1.30 software update – What’s new?

After the release of just about every new product, comes an update a few months later. And with Leica Captivate, there’s no exception. Yesterday Leica Captivate’s latest software version v 1.30 was announced. For those of you interested in finding out exactly what new features and enhancements are available please read on…

Leica Captivate v1.30 – What’s new?
Leica Captivate v1.30 has been released. Can you please tell us something about it?
As with almost all software, be it field surveying software, such as Leica Captivate, or an app on an iPhone, a new release consists of new features and bug fixes. The new release of Leica Captivate v1.30, offers a number of new software features – the main ones are described below.

One new feature is the brilliant new Inspect Surface app. This great app allows a variety of design surfaces (such as a horizontal, vertical or sloping plane, cylinder, previous scan, .dxf surface) to be compared to reality (such as a scan made with a MultiStation, or points measured with any total station.

This can save an enormous amount of time and money because for example, a concrete floor can be measured or scanned in the field and the user can immediately inspect the surface and graphically visualise high and low areas. The red laser can be used if needed, to point to these areas where remedial work could immediately begin.


To find out more about this app click here to watch a video, or read the blog post.

Another new feature you already saw in the screen shot above. The total station is now modelled in the 3D viewer – previously only a “stick-model” was shown. This is not a gimmick!  As the instrument turns, so does the model – this can help to fully understand where the instrument is aiming.

A third new feature is showing of the code description alongside the feature code within the Measure app – as shown below.

This new feature may be useful for users where the code is a simple number, and the code description contains the more useful information – it allows the correct code to be more easily selected.

One other new feature, which is important for our North American customers, is the support of the CDMA module in the CS20. This means CS20 users within North America can connect to the CDMA network to connect to the Internet and / or receive RTK data.
And which bugs were fixed?
Full details of the features described above and the bug fixes are described in the release notes. These release notes can be obtained from myWorld

How do you decide which features to add?
This is not easy! As you can imagine, we get hundreds of ideas for new features and of course we don’t have time to add them all. We always try to add a mix of features – some new innovative ideas (such as the Inspect Surface app) and some which are very important for a particular group of users (such as viewing the code description alongside the code).
Can any Leica Captivate user load and use the new v1.30 software?
Yes. The CCP date (Customer Care Product) date is the same as Leica Captivate v1.20. Since v1.20 was the release version, all customers can load and use v1.30
How can someone obtain the new v1.30 software?
Go to myWorld and obtain it from there. All software which is needed can be found there – for the Leica CS20 field controller, for the Leica CS35 tablet, for all Leica TS16, T60 total stations and MS60 MultiStations and all PC simulators.

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